
More and more businesses operating in the sector of logistics and transportation focus on identifying risks early on as well as overall professional risk management – this has become a dominating factor for successful companies in this sector.

Prevamo is offering logistics companies risk management consultations and the implementation of such a structure by training their staff, coaching drivers and expeditors as well as optimizing their insurance premiums in the event of damage occurring.

Logo Design


The idea

After I received the brief from the marktrausch agency for their client, I had all the information I needed to dive into my word-mapping process – this stage is absolutely essential as it helps me to break down the brief and extract the essential information I need to venture out into the next step where I turn the highlights of the brief in tangible visual concepts. One idea that stood out to me was the concept of dominos. Since the company focuses on training other companies to prevent events of damage before they happen, they bring a chain of events to a halt before damage occurs.

I took this train of thought and turned it into the mark you see above. The “P” stands for Prevamo and on the left are two dominos set in motion coming to a halt through the “P”. I found this mark to be perfect for the client. It is bold, strong, and looks sturdy, but it also perfectly shows what the company is about.

Colors & Type

I decided to keep the type for this design basic. The logomark speaks for itself and a rather fancy customized type would distract from the symbol, making it less powerful. For the logotype, I worked with two typefaces: Industry for “Prevamo”, a typeface with a fitting visual style for a company operating in the logistics sector. Paired with good old Montserrat it makes for a professional and clean combination that underlines the iconic mark without distracting from it.

For the colors, I went with a deep royal blue for the primary color as it evokes a sense of trust and stability – qualities that are quite important for a company handling things such as management, damage control, and coaching services. The red adds a sense of urgency and highlights the aspect of risks and damage events.


Here are some words by Boi Rählert, CEO of marktrausch GmbH:

We hired Phillip with the task of creating a logo design for one of our clients. His whole process, his unique ideas and his uncomplicated and dynamic way of going about things completely satisfied us and our client. We will continue working with him


Sherwin Williams

